Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

Alexandra NICU Ph.Dc., National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest - A Comparative Study of Familial Patterns in Romanian Cinema.

Michel AROUIMI, Associate Professor, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale - ULCO. France - Le père-obstacle, thème-clef des films d’horreur.

Associate Professor Maria-Luiza DUMITRU OANCEA, University of Bucharest -The Chronicles of Narnia – the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (movie release: 2005), a reinterpretation of the ancient pagan myths and symbols, along with the popular archetypes in a Christian mindset.

Adriana TITIENI, Ph.D, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) -The literary character and the movie character. Case study: the role of Anetta from Youth Without Youth (2007) - by Fr. Coppola and Eliade’s character.

Ioana MISCHIE, Ph.D.c National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale”, Bucharest(UNATC) - PoV hybrid storytelling in virtual reality and its axiological implications (Case study: The AI Comrade)

Andreea ARCHIP, MA, University of Bucharest, TV, Digi 24 TV - Is social documentary changing Romania?

II. Cultural Studies

Ioan POP-CURȘEU, Ph.D, Université Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca - Culture, civilisation, art: comment les médias de masse et le cinéma ont-ils (re) façonné ces concepts ?

Victor GINGIU, Ph. D, West University, Timișoara - The Imaginary of the old Romanian weaves. Research for the homonymous film

Manuel STĂNESCU, PhD, researcher, Institute for Political Studies of Defence and Military History, Bucharest - An evocative documentary - General Constantin Christescu.

VENCZEL Peter, PhD., Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Cinematography-Photo-Media Section, Cluj-Napoca - New horizons. Timbrality and orchestrations after the apparition of new electro-acoustic and digital instruments due to advanced techniques and the birth of progressive rock.

III. Filmmaker’s remarks

Ovidiu GEORGESCU, PhD, National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale”, Bucharest - A Creative and Immersive 360 Virtual Reality Experience.


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