Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

Ileana BÂRSAN, Ph.D c, CESI, University of Bucharest - Mentalities and Historical (Re) Presentation in “Aferim!” by Radu Jude

Diana Ligia TUDOR, Ph D, Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bucharest - Investigating the Role of “Well”as a Discourse Marker of Local Coherence in “Hannah and Her Sisters” Film Script.

Professor Ion M. TOMUȘ, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu - “Usturoi:” naïve and picturesqueness

Florentina HEROIU, Ph.D, National University of Theatre and Film “Ion Luca Caragiale”, Bucharest - Revivre directed by Im Kwon-taek: screenplay by Song Yoon-hee

Monica ILIE-PRICA, Ph.Dc. - Promoting Romania’s destination branding: From booklets to documentary films

II. Cultural studies: Before script

Diana NECHIT, Ph. D, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu - Le “wonderland“ visuel de Koltès: pour un traitement cinématographique du texte

Professor Doina Ruști, National University of Theatre and Film “Ion Luca Caragiale”, Bucharest - The freedom in the 18th century. Documentation for the film “The Greek slave” (Elefant Film Studio)

Cornelius GHEORGHIȚĂ, Ph.D - L’École Supérieure d'AudioVisuel (ESAV), Toulouse - La radiographie de trois images

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