Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

Liana IONESCU, associate professor, PhD, Hyperion University, Bucharest - Advertising and Screen Proliferation

Ema A. STOIAN, M.A. candidate, Beijing Film Academy China - Feimu, one of China's Greatest Directors’ Legacy -Between Politics and Aesthetics.

Ileana IACOBESCU, MSc c., University of Edinburgh, UK - Phone Booth: Acousmêtre, DeAcousmatization, and the Visible Acousmêtre

Gabriela ILIUTA, lecturer Ph.D, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest - The 25th Hour Movie as an “Act of Identity Rupture”

Elena SAULEA, associate professor, Ph.D, National University of Drama and Film, Bucharest, "I.L. Caragiale", Bucharest - Le cinema roumain au sein de la francophonie

Florin GIOROC associate professor Hyperion University, Bucharest - From Silent to Sound. Beginnings of Sound Techniques in Romanian Film

II. Cultural studies: Women

Barbara A. NELSON, professor, University of Bucharest - Re-dressing Identity: Maria Antoinette and Frida Kahlo.

Ramona MIHĂILĂ, associate professor, Ph.D, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest - Reflections on Motherhood and Widowhood in Nineteenth Century Novel.

Rabia REDOUANE, associate professor, PhD, Montclair State University, Enjeux de l’écriture dans L’excisée d’Evelyne ACCAD.

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