Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

Liana IONESCU, PhD, Hyperion University, Bucharest - Advertising for Good Causes

Irina AIRINEI VASILE, Ph.D., SNSPA - A cultural perspective: suggestion for a documentary film. Bucharest streets named after lawyers

SABINA POP, PhD, Hyperion University, Bucharest - Document and M.E.S.S.A.G.E. = Documentary? or Objective or Subjective in the Documentary Film?

Ileana IACOBESCU, MSc c., University of Edinburgh, UK - Urban Space in the Romanian New Wave

Ion M. TOMUȘ, Ph.D, Lucian Blaga University - The Universe of Silviu Purcărete's "Somewhere in Palilula"

Gabriela ILIUȚĂ, Ph.D, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest - La relation identitaire auteur, narrateur et personnage dans la "Vingt-cinquième" Heure de Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu. Une approche narrative et pragmatique

II. Cultural studies: Dream and drama

Professor Ileana ORLICH, Arizona State University - Slawomir Mrozek’s "Tango" – Communism as Ideological No-Exit

Linda Maria BAROS, Sorbonne, Ph.D, Paris, IV - « Battre le réveil ». L’entremêlement du sacré et du profane dans les ballades romantiques allemandes

Mihaela TRIBOI, PhD, Hyperion University, Bucharest - The Contemporary Russian Dramaturgy. Context, Currents, Personalities of the New Wave

Professor Paul Dugneanu, “Ovidius” University, Constanța - A Romanian reading of Proust

Kristýna MATYSOVÁ, Ph.D, Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 - Les Images Ascensionnelles et le Mythe du «Démon de Midi» dans le Pèlerinage Aux Monts-des-Géants de Karel Hynek Mácha, un Poète Tchèque et Européen

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