Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

Sorin STRATILAT, Ph.D, Media University, Bucharest - Professional Management of Universities

Florin TOLAS, Ph.D, Media University, Bucharest - Relationship Film-Television

Assistant Professor Monica MITARCĂ, Media University, Bucharest - Literature and Film: A Century of Dramatizations

Candidate Mircea BUNESCU, Ph.D, Media University, Bucharest - Romanian Documentary During Communist Era

Florin GIOROC, Ph.D, University of Theatre and Film, „I.L. Caragiale“, Bucharest - Techniques and Technologies for Soundtrack Making. Technical Interventions with Aesthetic Purpose Regarding Sound Height (Frequency)

Florentina HEROIU, Ph.D, University of Theatre and Film, „I.L. Caragiale“, Bucharest - Kin-Dza-Dza

Barbara NELSON, Ph.D, University of Bucharest, - „We’ll Always Have Paris“ and also Berlin

Liana IONESCU, Ph.D, Media University, Bucharest - TV News Report: Combining Pictures and Sounds

II. Cultural studies: The Fiction and the History

Academic Răzvan THEODORESCU, The Romanian Academy - Anglo-Saxons at the Black Sea

Ramona MIHĂILĂ, Ph.D, Universitatea “Spiru Haret”, Bucharest - Representations of Women’s Roles in 19th Century Romanian Fiction

Paul CERNAT, Ph.D, Bucharest University - Le roman de l’entre - deux - guerres et la nostalgie de ‘l’Ancien Régime’

Constantin DRAM, Ph.D, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi - On Chivalry: A Different Approach

candidate, Andreea RĂSUCEANU, Ph.D, CESI, Bucharest - A Few Points on Otherness and the Matter of Strangers

M.A. Octavian SĂRBĂTOARE, The University of Sydney - Historical Sociology vs. Historical Materialism: A Study in Modernity

Professor Piero BOITANI, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italia - Dante’s Ulysses Between Two Millennia (II)

Professor Doina RUȘTI, Media University - Le vêtement dans la littérature communiste roumaine

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