Cinematographic Art & Documentation

Journal of cinematographic studies
National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale (UNATC)


I. Cinematographic Art

GEORGE URECHE, Cultural manager, The PRO Foundation - Editorial

Lucian Pricop, PhD, Media University - Film as a Business

Monica Mitarca, assistant professor Media University - Motion/emotion. Movies as Emotion Carriers

Carmen STANCIU, PhD., National University of Theatre and Film, "I.L. Caragiale", Bucharest - Dance Drama – a Complete Performance

MIRCEA BUNESCU, PhD candidate, Media University, Bucharest - Mirror Effect in Photography Technique and Its Secondary Meanings

II. Cultural studies: The 18th century

Pr prof. GABRIEL LICĂROIU, St. Silvestru Church – A brief history

Academic DAN HORIA MAZILU, The Romanian Academy - Book Thieves in the 18th Century

CLAUDIA COSTIN, PhD, Stefan cel Mare University – Antim Ivreanul – i Didahii, la supremazione del genere oratorio

ANDREEA RĂSUCEANU, PhD candidate, Center of Excellence in Image Study - Trends and Manners in the 18th Century

DOINA RUȘTI, PhD., Media University, Bucharest - A Walachian Testament From The 18th Century

ALEXANDRU S. ANCA, PhD candidate, Münster University, Bamberg, Germany - Beiträge zum ‚zaraflâc’ im letzten Jahrzehnt des 18. Jahrhunderts

III. Document-Books

MIRCEA PLATON, PhD candidate, History Dept., Ohio State University at Columbus - Neagu Djuvara’s Civilisations et Lois Historiques and Its (Lack of An) American Reception, or About a Certain Oldness of the “New Europe”

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